Venetian inspiration…

Venice has long been a muse for artists and thinkers alike – making it impossible for Tart Boutique creator Edie Orenstein to escape its seductive charm.

It is not simply the surreal experience of traveling through streets on a gondola, or the medieval architecture and renaissance art that appeals, but the intellectual liberty that is carved in its deeply cultured past.

Venetian Canal - courtesy of White Album Photography

Since the birth of Venice over fifteen hundred years ago as a refuge for those fleeing Germanic invasions on its protective marshy grounds, it has harboured countless refugees seeking religious, political and sexual freedom in Europe’s dark ages. The seat of political, naval and commercial power by the 13th Century, Venetian nobles and philanthropists vied with each other to patron the best artists, scholars and scientists. Art, literature and hedonism bloomed. At a time when most of the world were illiterate peasants, Venice was producing Gothic cathedrals and inspiring Shakespearean dramas. The Republics wealthy citizens celebrated the splendor of their city and produced some of the worlds most opulent surroundings. Many beautiful, educated and connected local women seized this opportunity to gain financial independance and thus gave rise to the iconic Venetian Courtesan. These intelligent and accomplished women were considered the jewel of Europe and have been remarked upon throughout literature of the time. Seen as essential to the economy of Venice, their occupation was not only protected but encouraged by the city’s leaders.

While much of Tart Boutiques aesthetic reflects a Venetian courtesans boudoir, it is the ethos and heritage of the city that inspires us the most. An embracing of art, pleasure-seeking and liberation. An open mind towards learning, an understanding of the importance of luxury and a shameless love for hedonism.

Venice has a special place in our heart, which we hope to inspire in those who walk through our doors (and under our Venetian lamp!).

Images courtesy of Elizabeth and Mark Kowan



About tartboutique

Tart is a deliciously sexy boutique filled with beautiful things.
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3 Responses to Venetian inspiration…

  1. Squid Ink. says:

    I’m travelling to Venice with my partner this year – his first time, my third. This time, I’m doing something different and staying in Venice, instead of twenty minutes out of it! Staying off the islands is a money-saver, but not so romantic!

    • tartboutique says:

      How wonderful!
      The island is magical. We recommend looking at San Polo as San Marco is more touristy.
      Whatever you do, don’t leave without trying a Scropino after dinner!

      • edie says:

        Venice ..from as early as I can remember- in my visual and emotional imagination, as I was brought up with the artistic ideal of the history , and culture of Europe like a religion …. growing up in a small fishing Cove in Canada , constantly staring out into the open Atlantic – wishing a tall ship would come and rescue me and take me to Europe….then at 20 years old as a newly wed being taken around Europe by train, we travelled from Greece , and the tip of the boot .. passing through the coastal resorts- oddly NOT what I had imagined of Italy. As we finally made it to the bottle neck of traffic and people , switching transportation modes to approach the ancient sinking City- it became real. I was there in Venice- I will NEVER forget that first experience. It smelled like a different century. The light is like the its reflecting off egg tempera finish everywhere. The back-packers suddenly turned before my very eyes into trunk-hosed men with capes and large cocked and feathered hats-sword belts swinging… all of them about to scoop me up onto their carriage or horse! Corseted women in brocades, silks and wigs with decorations piled high. At some pointhe sounds of the ancient bustling streets ..changed in my ears to English and German, and radios blasting the scores of the epic Canadian /Russian hockey game that year.
        People in back-packs waiting for the water buses lining up at the first water plaza that leads to everywhere in Venice.
        Alas we could not stay- It was a long week-end holiday in Germany and everything (we could afford) in Venice proper -was booked.
        We had to board the train (my heart broken ) and travel through the night to Paris – our next destination before returning home.. I meant to come back asap.
        But as life and building businesses and family would have it- wasn’t till was years later , with my youngest as a teenager , that I was able to return to the elusive city of my dreams… and I’ve been trying to get back ever since.
        I still live in Venice vicariously through my imagination , art , literature, and others people’s trips .

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